In an effort to provide the Professional Membership a clear picture of the
options available I am offering this format as a bidding guideline. Please
be as complete as possible. Enough copies of your bid will be available at
the state meeting for the members in attendance and you will be given five
minutes to present your bid.
Prevailing USAG rotation:
2002 - North East
2003 - Central
2004 - South
2005 - North West
I. General Requirements:
A. Facility -
Include the address and it's proximity to hotels, restaurants and
major highways.
B. Equipment -
Detail the manufacturer and condition of all equipment and mats for
each event.
C. Host organization / meet director -
Include the names and methods of contact for all those who will be
responsible for running the competition.
D. Date -
List any suggested dates and all contingencies relative to the
II. Specific Details:
A. Equipment details -
1. Both the new Vaulting Table and the Traditional Vaulting Horse
must be available for Classes IV - I.
2. All equipment must meet current USAG JO Program specifications
3. All equipment must be in excellent working condition
4. In a situation where the competitive format is Capital Cup,
identical equipment must be available in the warm-up area.
B. Warm-up areas -
1. If a warm-up area is to be utilized describe it's location in
relation to the competitive area.
2. If a warm-up area is to be utilized for a "Capital Cup Format"
describe the methods you will use to assure a smooth traffic flow.
3. Detail how and who will supervise and control the warm-up areas.
C. Awards areas
Detail information relative to the areas which are planned for use as
an awards area
D. Seating for spectators
List the number of available seats for spectators and the type of
seating to be used (bleachers, chairs, arena seating, etc.).
E. Restrooms
List the number and location of the Restrooms available to the
competitors and the public.
F. Parking
List the number of parking spaces available and their proximity to
the competitive areas.
G. Floor Plan
Include a detailed floor plan for the competition
H. Coaches and Judges areas
1. Will there be a separate area for coaches and judges to relax
between sessions?
2. Will Coaches be provided with meals?
I. Theme
What will the theme for the event be?
J. Competitive Format
Will the competition be run in a traditional format or capital cup?
K. Tentative Schedule
Include a tentative schedule for competition.
L. Host Hotel
Include any information available on the Host Hotel
M. Information access for the competition
Include all means which will be used for the dissemination of
information relative to the meet.