Ohio Boy's USA Gymnastics | |
State Newsletter |
Volume XIX Number 5 - November 16,1998 |
Qualifying Scores to Regionals & Nationals
Scores to Qualify
The qualification scores to Regional and National
competition were set at the Region V meeting in
October and the JOPC meeting in August respectively.
The following chart lists the scores for the 1998 /
1999 season. Remember the Class VI recommended
score to state championships is 44.00
Regional Qualifying Scores |
Class V - 47.00
Class IV - 40.00 Jr. Elite III - 36.50 Jr. Elite II - 34.00 Jr. Elite I- 34.5 |
National Qualifying Scores
Jr. Elite III - 47.00 Jr. Elite II - 40.5 Jr. Elite I - 45.5 |
Good Luck in Michigan and Texas!
1998 1999 Calendar
The calendar has had several changes and additions since the last publication. Please note the changes noted with an * . We have also added two meets which are deemed "Regional Enhancement Meets". These meets are noted with a ##.
22 USAGym Safety Certification Course at WSG in Copley, Ohio -
phone 330-666-9401
5 JO Judges Course at GLG in Avon Lake
6 Ohio Boys Invitational at GLG in Avon Lake
12 - 13 Hocking Valley Invitational at HVG in Lancaster
13 Holiday Classic at OGI in Youngstown
9 - 10 West Side Ohio Invitational at WS in Copley
16 - 17* Gym World Cup at GW in Broadview Heights
16 - 17 Windy City Invitational in Chicago
23 - 24 Jason Whitfield Invitational at UofM in Ann Arbor
23 - 24 Hyde Park Invitational at HP in Cincinnati
30 - 31 GTCO Invitational at GTCO in Franklin
31 Olympic Dreams Invitational at ODG in Youngstown
6 - 7 Winter Cup at YGC in Youngstown
6 - 7 Go For it Classic in Las Vegas
6 - 7 Peachtree Invitational in Atlanta
11 - 14 Black Jack Invitational in Las Vegas
13 - 14 Pittsburgh North Stars Invitational in Pittsburgh Pa.
19 - 21 Cereal City Invitational in Battle Creek, Michigan
20 - 21 ## Winterfest at QCG in Cincinnati
27 - 28 CGA Open at CGA in Columbus
27 - 28* Sunrise Gymfest at SGA in Toledo
6 - 7* ## Greater Kalamazoo March Madness
6 - 7 Indy Open at ISG in Indianapolis
6 - 7 Midwest Invitational at MG in Dublin
13 - 14 GLG Invitational at GLG in Avon Lake
13 - 14 Spring Fling at HVG in Lancaster
21 - 21 YGC Open at YGC in Youngstown
27 - 28 USAGym Ohio State Championships at HVG in Lancaster
8 - 10 NCAA Regional Championships
17 - 18 USAGym Regional Championships at MSU in East Lansing, Michigan
22 - 25 NCAA National Championships at Lincoln, Nebraska
7 - 9 USAGym JO National Championships at UofH in Houston, Texas
23 LEAAU Championships at OGI in Youngstown
1 - 7 AAU Junior Olympic National Championships in Cleveland, Ohio
26 - 30 USAGym National Congress in Sacramento, California
Judges Request Form
The form for requesting judges for your sanctioned USAGym competitions is included with this newsletter.
JO Judges Course
Great Lakes Gymnastics will host another Junior Olympic Judges course on Saturday December 5th, 1998. An
information sheet describing the course and its specifics is included with this newsletter. Please encourage your
older gymnasts and other interested parties to attend this course. Please notify Ray Gura at GLG least one week
prior to the course if you plan to attend so that course materials will be available.
State Director Forister needs your help!
In order to get a jump on ordering the correct awards and developing the age groupings for the Ohio State Championship Meet at Hocking Valley this year Mr. Forister would like for all participating clubs to send him a tentative list of numbers in each class level and age group. Please respond by 12/15/98.
Ohio USAGym Mailing List updates
The Mailing list which was included in the last Newsletter (September 1998) has been updated. If you would like an updated list, please send a self addressed, stamped envelope ($.52 in postage) to State Secretary Ferris for your copy.
My Two Cents
Comments regarding the qualifying score for Class VI gymnasts to the Ohio State Championship meet have been
mixed. The majority of concern surrounds whether we are cutting our nose off to spite our face. The major issue is
the size of the State Championship meet and I am not sure that making a smaller group of our core gymnasts is the
right way to fix the problem. I suggest that we look seriously at whether limiting the size of the State
Championship is in the best interest of the sport of men's gymnastics, or simply a convenience for coaches and
gymnast from higher levels. Let's remember what has happened to NCAA programs across the country and
realize that we have to build our sport from the bottom up. Without a strong foundation in high numbers of
participants we are lost!
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