State Meeting Notes - 7/24/01
The summer meeting, held last Sunday, July 22, 2001, was very productive.
The minutes will be included in the next newsletter (target date 8/20/01)
along with any of the important handouts and a revised calendar. Listed
below are some of the major highlights and some important date changes.
1). State Championship date changed to March 23rd and 24th 2002 in
Youngstown Ohio hosted by the OGI Boosters Club.
2). Regional Championship date is April 5, 6 & 7 2002 in Michigan - site
3). The Bylaws were unanimously adopted.
4). The "At Large Committee Member" serving on the Championship
Committee for the 2001 - 2002 season is Don Selman.
5). Another Committee was formed to organize and run the Schwarzenegger
Fitness Weekend Competition. The three members are Ron Ferris, Mike
Serra and Toby Karnehm.
6). The State Clinic and Fall Meeting will be hosted by Hocking Valley
Gymnastics on the 15th and 16th of September. The State Meeting will be held
the evening of the 15th. The State Future Stars Testing will be
held in conjunction with the State Clinic.
Here is some important information:
Ohio Boy's USAG State Phone number: 330-793-0716
Web Addresses for Ohio Boy's USAG:
1). USAG Provided site (maintained by Ron Ferris) -
2). Ohio Boy's USAG Site (maintained by Keith Pettit and Chris
Tollon) -
E-mail Address for State Officers:
1). Ron Ferris -
2). Mike Serra -
3). Chris Tollon -
Thanks to all those who participated in the summer meeting and a special
thanks to Miles Avery for providing us with a meeting room.
See you at the Fall meeting on September 15th, 2001
Ron Ferris
Ohio Boy's USAG State Chairman
Information on Arnold Classic - 6/10/2001
Just an update on the 2001 Schwartzenegger Meet. The dates are February
22, 23 & 24, 2002. We will not offer an Elite division unless we have
commitments from at least 16 Elite level gymnasts. We will offer Class VII,
VI, V, IV, III, II & I. A finals format is planned for Class I, II, & III on
Sunday afternoon. We will send the top 8 individual event qualifiers to the
finals competition (not the top 8 All Around as has been the case in the
Regional Developmental Competitions). The tentative schedule is Friday two
sessions of Class VI and one session of Class IV. Saturday Class III, II &
I. Sunday Class V, Class VII and Finals for Classes I, II & III.
We (Ohio Boy's USAG) will need a lot of help to offer a great competition
which will benefit Ohio Boy's USA Gymnastics. Any ideas or suggestions will
be greatly appreciated.
We (Ohio Boy's USAG) are planning on placing a bid for the 2003 Winter Cup to
be held in conjunction with the Arnold Fitness Weekend. As you know this
could be a great opportunity for Gymnastics in the state of Ohio. Please
plan on contributing any time and effort which you are able in order to make
the 2002 competition a big success - giving us a better chance at
successfully bidding on the Winter Cup.
Remember the summer meeting will be held at OSU on July 22, 2001. I will
send a reminder along with an agenda via US Mail the 1st week of July.