Ohio Boy’s USA Gymnastics





The name of this organization shall be The Ohio Boy’s USA Gymnastics Program


The organization is a fifth tier organization within the Parent Organization known as the United States Gymnastics Federation (USGF) also d.b.a. as USA Gymnastics (USAG).  The five tiers are: USAG, Men’s Program Committee (MPC), Junior Olympic Program Committee (JOPC), Region Five, Ohio Boy’s USA Gymnastics Program.


These Bylaws are subservient to the bylaws, rules, policies, guidelines, and practices of USAG, MPC, JOPC, and Region Five where appropriate, or where conflicts exist.




ARTICLE II – Purpose


The purpose of the organization is to initiate, implement, and improve the Boy’s Gymnastics Program in Ohio.






A.     Current, valid, Men’s Program Professional Membership with USAG constitutes               automatic membership in the organization.

B.     Voting Privileges – Members have full voting privileges on all issues, with the following two exceptions:








ARTICLE IV – Officers


The organization shall have three Officers.


A.     Chairman / Treasurer

Duties and responsibilities as described in the current USAG Men’s Program Rules and Policies. Additional duties as Treasurer include: Collecting, depositing, and holding the funds of the organization.  Remunerating the expenses of the organization.  Providing a Financial Report to the Membership, at the Regular Meetings.


B.     Vice-Chairman

Duties are to serve in the absence of the Chairman.


C.     Secretary

Duties are to record, maintain, and distribute the minutes of the meetings of the organization, and to maintain and up-date the Bylaws and other documents of the organization.


D.     Elections and Terms of Office for all three Officers are as stated for the Office of the Chairman in the current USAG Men’s Program R & P.



ARTICLE V – Meetings


A.     Regular Meetings – The organization shall conduct two regular meetings each year.  One in conjunction with the State Championships, and one in conjunction with the fall State Clinic/Test (sometimes referred to as the Testing Program, Olympic Development Program (ODP) or the Future Stars Program).


The Regular Meeting at the State Championships shall be considered the Annual Meeting.


B.     Special Meetings – The organization shall conduct Special Meetings when necessary.  Special Meetings should be conducted in conjunction with other regularly scheduled events such as the summer / fall planning meeting, State Clinic, State Training Camp, etc. whenever possible.  For Special Meetings to be valid, Notice must be given in at least one of two ways:

·        1).  At least fifteen days notice on the Ohio Web Site.

·        2).  At least thirty days notice (as per postmark date) through written notice to the entire membership via the U.S. Postal Service.






C.     For both Regular and Special Meetings, the following two conditions must be met to constitute a quorum:

·        1).  At least one Officer in attendance.

·        2).  At least six clubs represented in attendance.


D.     These Bylaws do not make any provisions for the use of a proxy vote.




ARTICLE VI – Committees



A.  The organization shall maintain on Standing Committee:

Duties – To review previous State Championships, and offer suggestions to improve the State Championships.  To advise and assist the State Championships Meet Director in his efforts to prepare for and conduct the State Championships.

#2.  Previous State Championships Meet Director

#3.  State Chairman (Ex-Officio)

#4.  At-large member (voted by general membership at annual meeting).

       #4, one year, no term limits.


C.     Select Committees – The organization can create Select Committees as necessary.



ARTICLE VII – Parliamentary Authority


The rules contained in the Modern Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order  shall govern the organization in all cases where they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the organization may adopt. 




ARTICLE VIII – Amendment

These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote, in accordance with the provisions in ARTICLE V.